Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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A Dance at the Ranch
Then rosins up the tight-drawn hairs, the young
folks in a fret
Until their ears are greeted with the warning words,
' "All set!
S'lute yer pardners! Let 'er go I
Balance all an' do-ce-do I
Swing yer girls an' run away!
Right an' left an' gents sashay!
Gents to right an' swing or cheat!
On to next gal an' repeat!
Balance next an' don't be shy!
Swing yer pard an' swing 'er high!
Bunch the gals an' circle round!
Whack yer feet until they bound!
Form a basket! Break away!
Swing an' kiss an' all git gay!
Al'man left an' balance all!
Lift yer hoofs an' let 'em fall!
Swing yer op'sites! Swing agin!
Kiss the sagehens if you kin I "
An' thus the merry dance went on till morning's
struggling light
In lengthening streaks of grey breaks down the
barriers of the night,
And broncs are mounted in the glow of early morn-
ing skies
By weary-limbed young revelers with drooping,
sleepy eyes.
The cowboys to the ranges speed to " work " the
lowing herds,
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